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Inbjudan till ACTE RebelPin Fashion Awards

We are proud to invite you to participate in REBELPIN – fashion awards by ACTE. The contest offers young creative designers in Europe the opportunity to compete against each other and present their unique skills to the international fashion and textile industry. Read more about the competition on ACTE Fashion Awards

The contest guarantees media visibility in addition to the prize, see press clip on previous year's winner Malin Busck, Hi On Life:

Deadline: Apply before 17th of April 2019, 24.00 gmt

Theme: Urban jungle

Who can apply? Designers who are citizens of a European country

How to apply? For more information and to apply, go to

For questions: Please contact

We welcome you to participate and wish you a lot of success!

TEX! Sweden - Samarbetsorganisationer

TEX! is a part of Marketplace Borås. We facilitate collaboration in the textile & fashion industry.